How to Choose the Best Compression Level

Diagram showing how compression socks work

Compression socks from Sox Solution provide graduated compression, meaning the pressure is highest at the ankle and gradually decreases as it moves up the leg. Consistent compression, instead, can inhibit blood flow from the feet, keeping blood from freely moving up the body. Graduated compression works with your body to improve blood flow and reduce problems like clots. 



You measure compression levels in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Different compression levels serve other purposes based on their level. Here are the most common compression levels and their intended uses:


Mild Compression (8-15 mmHg)

Suitable for long periods of sitting or standing

  • Improves circulation
  • Prevents minor swelling


Moderate Compression (15-20 mmHg)

Alleviates the discomfort associated with varicose veins

  • Helps with mild to moderate swelling
  • Recommended level for travel and pregnancy


Firm Compression (20-30 mmHg)

The lowest compression level for medical uses

  • Effective for moderate to severe swelling
  • Assists in the prevention and treatment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Often recommended for post-surgery recovery


Extra Firm Compression (30-40 mmHg)

A level of compression typically prescribed by healthcare professionals

  • Used for severe conditions like chronic venous insufficiency
  • Helps with the management of more advanced stages of varicose veins


Medical Grade Compression (40-50 mmHg and higher)

  • Reserved for serious medical conditions.
  • Prescribed by healthcare professionals for specific cases.


 Understanding compression sock levels.